Be a stroke sleuth this holiday season and keep your loved ones safe
We all know how stressful the holidays can be. Unexpected (even unwanted) guests can cause unexpected, unwanted stress during what should be merry times. Try as we might, holiday stress is often unavoidable, and it isn’t simply an inconvenience.
During times of stress your body produces stress hormones, which increase blood pressure. When under long periods of stress (think Christmas morning all the way through dinner) you can begin to develop high blood pressure, a leading cause of stroke.
As much as you want your loved ones to have a stress-free holiday, it can often be an inevitability for certain friends and family. We want to provide you with the awareness so that you can be on the lookout for signs of stroke. The faster signs of a stroke are recognized the better chance for a full recovery.
If you notice any of the following symptoms in your friends or family call 911 immediately and note the time of the first symptom:
The sudden onset of:
• Numbness/Weakness in the face, arms, or legs
• Vision issues in one or both eyes
• Headache without cause
• Confusion or trouble talking
• Dizziness, loss of balance, issues with walking or coordination
Be a stroke sleuth this holiday season and ensure that everyone has a safe, merry, and bright holiday.
If you or someone you know is seeking stroke treatment in Naples, Florida call us today. Care, compassion and expertise are the hallmarks that make Neuroscience & Spine Associates Southwest Florida’s leading neuroscience specialty team. Contact our team of Naples and Fort Myers neurologists to determine the best stroke treatment.
If you experience holiday stress and depression the Mayo Clinic has a great article full of tips to help you cope during the holidays.